How a US Navy SEAL Runs His Startup with Patrick Dossett (#49)

Patrick Dossett, co-founder of the personal development toolkit Madefor joins to chat about how his time in the Navy SEALS prepared him for the unique challenges of founding his own startup. He shares his tips for success and how to manage your team well even in a crisis and talks about his time working with Tom's Shoes founder Blake Mycoskie.
Patrick Dossett, co-founder of the personal development toolkit Madefor joins to chat about how his time in the Navy SEALS prepared him for the unique challenges of founding his own startup, and he shares his tips for success and how to manage your team well even in a crisis.

· How important is Grit and the ability to endure for founders
· Can stress be useful
· How a good team can make the difference
· The benefits of being mission driven
· Tips and tricks for leading through a crisis